Friday, April 17, 2015

I Dare You Not to See

It is afternoon, and the Queen sits upon her thrown. She calls to a Commoner who dares to look upon her books. The Commoner turns and announces "Oh hi, I didn't see you there." The Queen half-guffaws, half-coughs as her single response in bewilderment that a Commoner should descend upon her kingdom and not place their eyes upon her holiness.

Commoner was sent to the guillotine in shame.

Just another day in the kingdom of the Queen.

The Case of the Missing Paper

Today was a bad day in the kingdom. A commoner came through and stole one of the Queen's papers, and that just would not do. The Queen searched her palace for the offender and promptly repossessed what was rightfully hers.

Queen proceeded to not read the paper, but was happy to have it back in her chambers.